Keyboard shortcuts
You can also download the Fragmenter keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet.
SHIFT+left-click: right-click
ENTER or F11: fullscreen on/off
TAB: show/hide top menu and windows
CTRL+TAB: show/hide bottom menu
F1: show/hide project window
F2: show/hide active layer window
F3: show/hide tools window
F4: show/hide file browser window
F5: show/hide midi control window
F6: show/hide palettes window
F10: show/hide projection window
F12: next MIDI device
q: pen (normal)
ctrl+q: pen + goto next (press again for next+erase)
w: color picker
e: symmetry center editor
r: pan/move tool (press again to change target)
o: change pen color
p: change pen texture
[/]: decrease/increase pen size
[/]: decrease/increase fx resolution
b: background canvas show/hide
j: change reflectional symmetry
k: change number of rotational symmetric copies
l: always show symmetry centers on/off
\: enable/disable fx
z: undo
CTRL+s: save project
ALT+~: show/hide project
ALT+HOME: rewind all layers
ALT+DELETE: erase every frame of every layer
ALT+0: play/pause project
ALT+left/right or ALT+</>: rewind/forward x frames on all loop layers
Layer list
Pg Down/Pg Up: activate prev/next layer
1,2,3,4,5,6: activate specific layer
CTRL+1,2,3,4,5,6: show/hide specific layer
ALT+1,2,3,4,5,6: play/pause specific layer
Active layer
~: show/hide active layer
SPACE: play/pause active layer
HOME: rewind active layer
INSERT: add blank keyframe on active layer
DELETE: erase current frame of active layer
CTRL+DELETE: erase every frame of active layer
-/+: decrease/increase length of the tail
f: fade tail out on/off
CTRL+f: fade tail in on/off
u: set onion skin mode
CTRL+u: set frame-by-frame anim mode
left/right or </>: rewind/forward x frames (x is the current framejump value)
CTRL+left/right or CTRL+</>: go to previous/next non-empty frame
SHIFT+left/right or SHIFT+</>: rewind/forward x frames and load prev/next image file as canvas