Fragmenter is a realtime animation app to create moving images, built around a unique looping animation engine. You can draw abstract kaleidoscopic animations in seconds, or create longer animations, bringing your drawings to life. Live-drawing features make Fragmenter a perfect tool for a VJ with drawing skills. You can also sync the animation with music and create videos that have an unconventional hand-made look.
Fragmenter has been continuously developed since 2012. The first public desktop version was published in 2019. After a complete refresh of the user interface it is now available on since 2022.
Basic features:
- realistic drawing engine using or emulating pressure info of tablet pens
- fast animating engine
- adjustable brush size, color, texture
- set arbitrary background image or color
- multiple layers, with four different functions (background, loop, finite and infinite layer)
- save/load layers and manage them in a library
- cross-platform: works on windows, mac, linux
- free to use (public desktop version download available since 2019)
Advanced features:
- output to external screen, projector
- frame-by-frame animation tools
- multiple symmetry modes to make advanced kaleidoscope/mandala animations
- FX: blur, pixelate, etc. effects
- controllable by midi messages
Longtitle Productions

I am Balázs Keszegh, the person behind Longtitle Productions. Currently the focus is on developing Fragmenter and the game Ikonomikon. To develop Fragmenter and other stuff I use Gideros, a very friendly open-source cross-platform SDK.
For more info see the Longtitle Productions homepage.
Miracle is an art collective without which Fragmenter wouldn't be what it is. Also, Longtitle Productions is a small subset of Miracle. Various members of Miracle are using Fragmenter in live performances, in particular Diego Verastegui and Benjamin Efrati.