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Install on Windows

This should be straightforward, just download the windows version, unzip it and run fragmenter.exe. See also the docs subfolder of the fragmenter folder for some other useful stuff.

Install on Mac

Installing on Mac is a bit less straightforward due to Fragmenter not being a signed and trusted app (as this would need money paid to Apple).

For a visual guide to the rest check Fragmenter Mac install instructions. You can find the same instructions in the how_to_install subfolder of the fragmenter folder. See also the docs subfolder of the fragmenter folder for some other useful stuff.

You need to (for reasons and details see, e.g., 1. add executable flag to fragmenter 2. disable gatekeeper 3. run fragmenter 4. enable gatekeeper

To do these, open a terminal where the fragmenter folder is downloaded, then in the terminal do the following (during which enter admin password whenever needed):

  1. input in terminal: chmod +x ""

  2. input in terminal: sudo spctl --master-disable

  3. run fragmenter: in finder go into the fragmenter folder and double-clicking on fragmenter

  4. input in terminal: sudo spctl --master-enable